Imse vimse spindel...

klättrar upp för tråden, den tunna tunna tråden.
Och jag saknar sommaren, så oerhört mycket. Visst är det underbart med snö och inte slask, och man ska ju inte klaga (finns inga dåliga väder, bara dåliga kläder)...
Men sommaren som var var så underbar, och när jag är ute och går med jobbets hund och lyssnar på musik så översköljs jag utav sommarminnen fastän snön når min nästan upp till knäna. Tänk om man kunde hoppa i tiden som man ville, då skulle jag hoppa tillbaka till en ljuvlig sommardag ute på landet. Det skulle jag göra.

Week almost over...

Got a visit from the big country i the west this monday. Boots, a classmate and neighbour from Chico came to stay for a few days on his way to Hultsfred. Fun! Awesome to have someone to talk about the good old PAC with :) And he got to teach my classes, he held a lecture on theatre-tech stuff :D
Also, less exciting, is tat I apparently can't stop coughing. It sounds like I have a rusty engine inside me. Not great.
And today I delivered a very late christmas present. But rather late than never, as they say...
Kan man bli beroende av hostmedicin?
Is it possible to get addicted to cough sirup?

Good morning, good morning, it's great to stay up late...

good moorning, to You! It is great to stay up late when that's what you WANT! When you go to bed att 11.30 pm, though, you want to go to sleep at the same time! I think i fell asleep around 3 am... not so great. 
Feeling a little bit better, but I still have a bad cough, even though most of the headache is gone. Really want to be able to teach tomorrow, so i'll probably stay inside most of the day today. 
Walking around in comfy sweatpants and drink a lot of tea :)
How has your day been?
Good morning!

No, not sick!

So I've been up and down all day. Got an attack of freezing-to-death while watching a movie, litterally shaking so my teeth sounded like a rattlesnake! Then my dear roomie lent me her heatable pillow, and I went to bed dressed like an eskimo, hugging the pillow tightly. And then I got so hot i thought i would melt... Have to go to work tomorrow, and I'm coughing my brain out, and can't sleep. Yummy!

A new script is born... soon

So Today I officially started. Pen in hand (or rather, laptop open), focus on top and a with burning flame inside I finally started working on the next shoe. Possiblities are endless. The story dark and fascinating, Can't wait to get it done!!!
Yesterady I saw Hamlet on the theatre in Stockholm. Great show, really smart solutions in some scenes. 
Happy birthday, next play.


Just finished watching it. I missed the famous scene on the street where all the kids starts singing and dancing to the theme song. Otherwise it was good. Makes me dream. Not of the fame afterwards, but of the life while pursuing the art. the craft. I want to go back so bad, work hard every day to become the best I could. And while doing it, hang out with wonderful and amazing people. I loved the monologue on success. Success is being so excited about everything you have to do that you fly out of the door, and when you finally go to bed you know that you've done the very best you could. Loving every moment of it.
And I will be successful.
Famous scene to the theme song


Prinsessan hon låg och lekte
Men prinsen kom aldrig igen
Min prins bad aldrig, bevekte
kom aldrig mer igen
Men prinsen är inte bortglömd
prinsessan hon mindes allt sen...


Why is it that we are so often driven to do things we know from the get-go are bad for us? And WHY is there so much info so accesible on the internet? Like facebook. You look someone up, and in less than five minutes you know more than you should, or at least you THINK you know more than you should, because your brain immediately starts filling out the bits and holes that are missing. 
I don't want to know what's going on. Yet some part of me do. 
I know I must focus everything elsewhere. So much going on, so much awaiting. 
I need to put a 110% into my new life. Now.

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